A Sip of Adda

Up Your At-Home Coffee Game

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Five things to make your next coffee break divine.

June 23, 2020

As much as we love to see you at the shops over your favorite Adda beverage, we know you can’t make it in everyday. We put together a little guide to help you take the Adda coffee experience right to your own kitchen. 

A good cup of coffee has to start with the best beans. At Adda Coffee and Tea, we’ve teamed up with Verve Coffee Roasters to source you the best coffees from all over the world. Adda is proud to carry two privately-labeled coffees from Verve; our Conversation Blend and Highland Avenue Blend. Looking for a balanced, everyday pick-me-up? Try our Conversation blend. For some crisp acidity, light sweetness and a caffeine kick, pick up a bag of our Highland Avenue Blend

Our latest collaboration with Verve Coffee Roasters!

Now that you’ve got the beans, you’ll need the gear. To elevate your at-home coffee game, check out our Pour Over Kit that includes Hario V60 Copper Dripper, Bona Enamel Pourover Coffee Kettle, and our Mighty Glass Carafe by Fellow. Intimidated by making your own pour over? Not to worry, our baristas have made a handy guide to help you along. 

The Bona Enamel Kettle

Now that you’ve made your coffee, you’ll want a pretty mug to match the moment. Our 8 oz. Joey ceramic mugs by Fellow can help set the mood. The copper bottom helps to insulate while the ceramic body stays cool to the touch, so you can take your time while you sip. 

If you must forgo a quiet coffee moment at home and take your joe to-go, at least you can do it in style with our engraved Carter Mugs by Fellow. These lil’ babes are super durable, hold heat for hours and, let’s face it, are pretty gorgeous to boot. 

Everyday Carter Mugs by Fellow

If that sleek futuristic look just isn’t your style and you want a more organic vibe, check out our collaboration with Soma. This 12 oz. ceramic bottle with a bamboo lid is leak proof and insulated for hot and cold beverages. Soma is dedicated to sustainability and uses recycled products. Every purchase helps the company donate to charities working on the global water crisis. 

Whether at home or on the go, Adda wants to be a part of your everyday coffee break. 

Shop the Adda Bazaar

8oz - Joey Ceramic Mug by Fellow
Pour Over Kit
Adda x SOMA Ceramic Bottle