A Sip of Adda

Team Adda New Year’s Resolutions!

See what your barista team is vowing for 2021!

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2020 was a wild and successful year for Adda, but 2021 is where we will thrive.

January 12, 2021

Leaving 2020 behind was bittersweet for us at Adda Coffee & Tea House. Though the year provided many obstacles and unforeseen challenges, our team persevered and came together in new and unique ways, like developing a whole new website, upping our social media game, and opening a new retail concept. Without our amazing team, Adda may not have made as many successful milestones as we did last year. And moving into 2021, we are excited to grow even further and really let ourselves nurture all that we accomplished in 2020. 

We asked our amazing team of baristas if they had any New Year’s Resolutions for 2021, and thought we’d share a few with you to inspire you to find some goals for the new year if you haven’t already made any! Check out what Team Adda said below and let us know if you have any of your own!

Rebecca, Barista:

“I resolve to do more care for myself and my community! More zumba + bubble baths and also more checking on my neighbors, mutual aid, + working to end systems of oppression.”

Kelly, Barista:

“My New Year's resolution is to keep improving my yoga and meditation practice and also prioritize my mental health and focus on hobbies that bring me joy.”

Morgan, General Manager:

“Mine is to bump my relationships back up to #1 on the priority list. I have definitely disconnected during COVID. I'm working on remembering there will always be things to do at work and at home, but only so many opportunities to connect, to give love and to be loved. I clung a lot to work during this year, it was the only thing to do. I'm now redrawing my boundaries so I can do my best at work and play.”

Evan, Coffee Manager:

“Enjoy more pour overs and drink more tea.”

David, Barista:

“In 2021, I will be working on becoming conversational in Nepali and refreshing my Japanese language skills. And do more landscape photography.”

Sam, Barista: 

“My Adda new year’s resolution is pouring better latte art and trying more coffees (especially local roasters), and my general resolution is baking more and learning to bake different things.”

Nikki, Barista:

“My resolution for 2021 is to be a little more present in life and really make the most of every day. I also am hoping to spend more time making art and cooking, two things that really make my soul feel good.”

Whatever your New Year’s Resolutions are, we at Adda hope that you’ll see them through and hit each and every one of your goals. If you ever need a pick-me-up or someone to hold you accountable to your goals, you know where to find us!

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